October Apprenticeship Update


Hey, all my favorite people!

I want to always start with how grateful I am for you all. Thank you so much. Without your financial and spiritual partnership, I wouldn't be able to meet with college students and share the gospel full-time. I'm in awe of how God has shown His faithfulness, love, and provision through each of you. You guys reflect God's generous heart towards His people. 

This month, I began Focus On Jesus (the bible study FOCUS put together) with 4 students named Maya, Katy, Ashlyn, and Natalia. So neat, right? What God is teaching me is that though I figure out the time we meet throughout the week and show up, I'm simply just planting seeds. God makes the seeds grow.  It's His Spirit that imprints their hearts with Truth and brings them into new revelation and greater freedom. Words can't describe how fulfilling it is to point them to Jesus - the lovers of their souls, maker, healer, savior, Father, I could go on and on. I get to see His heart for others. Whether I do campus ministry for the next decade or not, I will forever look back at these experiences with God and these students and see His mighty love for people. I'm reminded of Romans 8:38-39,

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Natalia and I :)

Friday night small group!!

Highlight Of The Month

Fall Retreat

One weekend in October, the staff team here at Collin put on a retreat for the students to build community and connect with God. We played games, listened to a sermon from Adriana (another campus pastor), worshipped together, had a dance party, and did community sharing. On the first night after worship, we got to discuss the prompts, "What has God been showing you today?" and "What's something you need to do when you get back to school to respond to it?" These questions led our small group to some deep, vulnerable moments. What I saw happening was God knocking at different doors in their hearts and asking if He could walk into those rooms. From family, body image, boundaries with the opposite gender to things like career and friendships, I got to see the Spirit revealing what parts of their lives they need to trust Him more in. I believe this awareness is a testament to the Spirit working in their hearts and the word of God being active and alive!

Collin FOCUS!! The community that welcomed me with open arms.

Fall Retreat Worship Time

Sophia and Lilli. These two are also dancers. <3

Picnic with the other apprentices in between classes :) 

Sabbath Lunch with the other apprentices!

Thursday Night Fellowship - this was a special service for all girls!

Hope you made it this far!! Can't wait to update you all next month. Reach out to me anytime, and I'll be sure to respond right away - let's catch up.



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