October Apprenticeship Update

OCTOBER - MINISTRY UPDATE Hey, all my favorite people! I want to always start with how grateful I am for you all. Thank you so much . Without your financial and spiritual partnership, I wouldn't be able to meet with college students and share the gospel full-time. I'm in awe of how God has shown His faithfulness, love, and provision through each of you. You guys reflect God's generous heart towards His people. This month, I began Focus On Jesus (the bible study FOCUS put together) with 4 students named Maya, Katy, Ashlyn, and Natalia. So neat, right? What God is teaching me is that though I figure out the time we meet throughout the week and show up, I'm simply just planting seeds. God makes the seeds grow. It's His Spirit that imprints their hearts with Truth and brings them into new revelation and greater freedom. Words can't describe how fulfilling it is to point them to Jesus - the lovers of their souls, maker, healer, savior, Father, I could go on an...